Md. Abrarul Karim

I'm a Web Developor

A passionate, creative, professional freelance developer operating from bangladesh

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About Me

I'm Md. Abrarul Karim , a passionate and creative web developer with a love for crafting exceptional digital experiences. With expertise in front-end and back-end technologies, I enjoy transforming ideas into user-friendly, visually appealing websites and applications. Collaboration and effective communication are key aspects of my work, as I believe in understanding clients' needs and delivering solutions that exceed expectations. Accessibility and performance are also priorities in my projects. Beyond coding, I'm an avid learner, regularly engaging with web development communities to stay at the forefront of the industry. When not coding, I enjoy exploring the outdoors, experimenting in the kitchen, and delving into science fiction books. I'm excited to be part of this dynamic industry and contribute to shaping the future of the web. Let's collaborate and bring your ideas to life on the web! Currently studying CS in Independent University, Bangladesh.

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My Skill

Web Development

Web development is the process of creating websites and web applications that run on the internet or an intranet. It involves a combination of programming, design, and server management to build functional, interactive, and visually appealing online experiences. Web developers use various programming languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for front-end development to create the user interface and interactivity. For back-end development, languages like Python, Ruby, PHP, or Node.js are used to handle server-side operations, manage databases, and process user requests.

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Graphic Design

Graphic design is a creative discipline that involves visual communication using various elements such as images, typography, colors, and illustrations to convey messages, ideas, or information. Graphic designers use their artistic skills and technical knowledge to create visually engaging and aesthetically pleasing designs for a wide range of purposes.

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Degital Marketing

Digital marketing is a strategic approach to promoting products, services, or brands using various digital channels and technologies. It leverages the internet and electronic devices to reach and engage with potential customers in a targeted and measurable manner. Digital marketing encompasses a wide range of tactics and techniques to create online visibility, generate leads, drive sales, and build brand awareness.

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Latest Project

Web Design

Web development is the process of creating websites and web applications that run on the internet or an intranet.

Web Design

Web development is the process of creating websites and web applications that run on the internet or an intranet.

Web Design

Web development is the process of creating websites and web applications that run on the internet or an intranet.

Web Design

Web development is the process of creating websites and web applications that run on the internet or an intranet.

Web Design

Web development is the process of creating websites and web applications that run on the internet or an intranet.

Web Design

Web development is the process of creating websites and web applications that run on the internet or an intranet.

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